submissive husband's

a husband who defers decision making to his wife, also one who submits to his wife's whims, wishes, orders, commands and requests. The submissive husband's main goal in their relationship is to make sure that all her needs are met, both in and out of the bedroom. Often submissive husbands will abstain from sexual release unless directed by the wife. A submissive husband will likely do most if not all household chores in addition to providing pampering services to his wife on a regular basis. One of the main characteristics of a submissive husband is that they have willingly given up control of their marriage in all areas to their wife.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to submissive husband's. Some of the top words include: hand, pussy whipped, Gimp, monopolygamy, cock whipped, and 25 more.